
מציג פוסטים מתאריך מרץ, 2023

לייזר יאג - Laser YAG - שיווק ומכירה בישראל

 לייזר יאג - Laser YAG - שיווק ומכירה בישראל ליצירת קשר לחצו כאן לייזר יאג יאג לייזר ,  לייזר yag ,  לייזר יאג   There are much more applications in electro-optics so please feel free to contact us. Click here to contact us Lasers and laser safety “ LASER ” comes from: “ L ight  A mplification by  S timulated  E mission of  R adiation”. Lasers emit light through process of optical amplification based on stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. Lasers produce directional and high coherent beams of monochromatic light. Lasers are used in many applications such as life science, measuring, positioning, engraving, bar code scanning, industrial, weapons, machine vision and more. Among the lasers we offer you can find: solid state, gas, pico-second, femto-second, low noise, high stability, fiber, OEM, line, DPSS, multi-wavelength and more! Along side with the lasers we offer, we also supply laser safety products. Working with lasers can be harmful to those who use the lasers and to